
Business services

ERA Commodities

ERA Commodities is a commodity brokerage allowing me to keep close to my roots in the oil industry, as well as providing streamlined competition to other businesses and banks.

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Limitless Flooring

Limitless Flooring is a customer driven, industrial flooring company delivering efficient service and fair prices.

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Making Websites Better

Making Websites Better is my new acquisition into a bespoke website agency, with huge plans to expand into the SEO and digital service sector.

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Making Websites Better Logo

Average Joe’s Gym

Average Joes Gymnasium is my first business which was established 11 years ago to solve a community problem and still going strong.

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Yield Financial

Yield Financial services generates business ideas for investment, return on investment and keeps a hold of investment regulations.

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Yield Retail

Yield Retail is an investment and retail arbitrage company, established to give myself a new commercial revenue stream.

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Yield Property Services

Property problem solving with several objectives including purchasing process, managing contractors and renovations as well as selecting and liaising with property agents.

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Yield Property Investers